Goodbye to cIOSCORP!
2012 Dec 27 06:55 PM UTC | Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2012]8
I have decided to remove cIOSCORP, as it is not necessary anymore: I can still launch backups through backup launchers (NeoGamma, Gecko OS, USB loaders, etc.)
TL;DR Since I have System Menu 3.4U, these operations are planned to reverse the effects of cIOSCORP:
These IOSes are present in all of those cIOSCORP packages: (Click Read More…)
- IOS9 - update
- IOS11 - update into stub, danger for System Menu 2.0
- IOS12-15 - update
- IOS17 - update
- IOS20 - update into stub, danger for System Menu 2.2
- IOS21,22 - update
- IOS28 - update
- IOS30 - update into stub, danger for System Menu 3.0 - 3.3
- IOS31 - update
- IOS33 - 38 - update
- IOS40,41,43,45,46 - Korean IOSes, so delete?
- IOS50 - install v4889 (!!!) because v5120 is a stub, danger for System Menu 3.4
- IOS52 - I somehow have this, and it’s for 3.5 for Korean Wiis, so update into stub
- IOS53 - update
- IOS55 - update
- IOS56 - update
- IOS60 - update into stub, danger for System Menu 4.0 - 4.1
- IOS70 - update into stub, danger for System Menu 4.2
In order to do this, I remembered that I have installed cIOSCORP 3.3 to 3.5 in a forgotten order, which means a union of all of them are installed. 3.3 will be ignored, since all of it is overwritten by 3.4. For the lists below, “Patch” means “ES_DiVerify/ES_Identify Patch”, both of which are the same. 3.4 IOSes are listed before 3.5 ones. All the highlighted ones are “scrambled”.
- IOS9 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14/13 DIP
- IOS11 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14 DIP / IOS60 v6174 with rev13 DIP + Patch
- IOS12-15 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14 DIP
- IOS17 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14 DIP
- IOS20 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14 DIP / IOS60 v6174 with rev13 DIP + Patch
- IOS21-22 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14 DIP
- IOS28 = IOS28 v1293 with rev14 DIP
- IOS30 = (IOS53 v5149 with rev12 DIP / IOS60 v6174 with rev13 DIP) + Patch
- IOS31 = IOS31 v3092 with rev14 DIP
- IOS33 = IOS33 v2834 with rev14 DIP
- IOS34 = IOS34 v3091 with rev14 DIP
- IOS35 = IOS35 v3092 with rev14 DIP + Patch
- IOS36 = IOS36 v3094 with rev12/13 DIP + Patch + NAND Permissions Patch
- IOS37 = IOS37 v3612 with rev14 DIP / IOS37 v3612 with rev14 DIP + ES_Identify Patch + NAND Permissions Patch
- IOS38 = IOS38 v3610 with rev14 DIP
- IOS50 = IOS50 v4889 with rev12/13 DIP + Patch
- IOS53 = IOS53 v5149 with rev14 DIP
- IOS55 = IOS55 v5149 with rev14 DIP
- IOS56 = IOS56 v5146 with rev14 DIP
- IOS60 = IOS60 v6174 with rev12/13 DIP + Patch
With cIOS 3.5, these IOSes were present:
- IOS40 = IOS60 v6174 with rev13 DIP + Patch
- IOS41 = IOS41 v3091 with rev14 DIP
- IOS43 = IOS43 v3091 with rev14 DIP
- IOS45 = IOS45 v3091 with rev14 DIP
- IOS46 = IOS46 v3093 with rev14 DIP
- IOS52 = IOS52 v5661 with rev13 DIP + Patch
- IOS70 = IOS60 v6174 with rev13 DIP + Patch
I have also found some other IOSes:
- IOS2 0x181 (v385)
- IOS16 0x101 (v257) - will be mothballed if I update in the future…
In the future, I shall perform those actions, except for IOS50, and hope that my Wii will not brick.