ActionScript 2
ActionScript-2 1
ActionScript-3 1
Assembly 2
C 3
C++ 3
Domains 2
English 5
Flash 2
Gaming 7
Grammar 4
Hacks 9
Java 1
JavaScript 2
Linux 1
Math 7
Nintendo 8
Nintendo-GC 2
Nintendo-Wii 8
Programming 18
Python 4
Security 2
Uncategorized 2
Web 13
Windows 5
Windows-Advanced 4
Windows-Basic 1
Programming 18
Uniformly Distributed Tweets
| Math7 Programming18 [2014]3
Python Goto Decorator Improved
| Programming18 Python4 [2013]10
Rewriting the Grammar Bot
| English5 Grammar4 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2013]10
Flasm (ActionScript 2) Bytecode Equivalents
| ActionScript2 ActionScript-21 Assembly2 Flash2 Programming18 Web13 [2013]10
Digital Roots
| Math7 Programming18 PHP4 Python4 [2013]10
More Blitz Hacks (Time)
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Web13 [2012]8
Blitz Hacks
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2012]8
No more Wii Programming
| C3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2012]8
FizzBuzz Test
| Math7 Programming18 PHP4 [2012]8
Identify what the operator ^ does
| Programming18 [2011]8
Google-Like Compression
| PHP4 Programming18 Web13 [2011]8
Domain Seizures
| DNS1 Domains2 Programming18 Web13 [2011]8
Google App Engine's Memcache with Quercus
| Java1 PHP4 Programming18 Web13 [2011]8
Eject Channel Lite
| C3 C++3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2009]7
Eject Channel Idea
| C3 C++3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2009]7
Fork Bombs
| Hacks9 Linux1 Programming18 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 Windows-Basic1 [2009]7
VB Encryption Project Finished
| Programming18 VB.NET2 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2009]7
VB Encryption Project
| Programming18 VB.NET2 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2009]7
Web 13
Partially Protecting Password Data in Transit
| Security2 Web13 [2013]10
Rewriting the Grammar Bot
| English5 Grammar4 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2013]10
Hacking a Flash Payload Crypter with 1 line of code
| ActionScript2 ActionScript-31 Assembly2 Flash2 Hacks9 Security2 Web13 [2013]10
Flasm (ActionScript 2) Bytecode Equivalents
| ActionScript2 ActionScript-21 Assembly2 Flash2 Programming18 Web13 [2013]10
No more BitTorrent Tracker Services!
| Web13 [2013]10
Domain Renewal by Transfer
| Domains2 Web13 [2013]10
More Blitz Hacks (Time)
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Web13 [2012]8
Blitz Hacks
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2012]8
Cloud Rendering Shenanigans
| Hacks9 Web13 [2012]8
Luminosity Hacks
| Hacks9 Gaming7 Web13 [2012]8
Google-Like Compression
| PHP4 Programming18 Web13 [2011]8
Domain Seizures
| DNS1 Domains2 Programming18 Web13 [2011]8
Google App Engine's Memcache with Quercus
| Java1 PHP4 Programming18 Web13 [2011]8
Hacks 9
Hacking a Flash Payload Crypter with 1 line of code
| ActionScript2 ActionScript-31 Assembly2 Flash2 Hacks9 Security2 Web13 [2013]10
More Blitz Hacks (Time)
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Web13 [2012]8
Blitz Hacks
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2012]8
Cloud Rendering Shenanigans
| Hacks9 Web13 [2012]8
Luminosity Hacks
| Hacks9 Gaming7 Web13 [2012]8
Windows Experience Index Hack
| Hacks9 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2011]8
Wind Waker Glitch *updated*
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 [2011]8
How to play backups on a Wii
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
Fork Bombs
| Hacks9 Linux1 Programming18 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 Windows-Basic1 [2009]7
Nintendo 8
cIOSCORP Removal Progress
| Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2012]8
Goodbye to cIOSCORP!
| Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2012]8
No more Wii Programming
| C3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2012]8
Wind Waker Glitch *updated*
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 [2011]8
Wii Backup Problems -- Mario Kart
| Gaming7 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
Eject Channel Lite
| C3 C++3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2009]7
Eject Channel Idea
| C3 C++3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2009]7
How to play backups on a Wii
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
Nintendo-Wii 8
cIOSCORP Removal Progress
| Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2012]8
Goodbye to cIOSCORP!
| Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2012]8
No more Wii Programming
| C3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2012]8
Wind Waker Glitch *updated*
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 [2011]8
Wii Backup Problems -- Mario Kart
| Gaming7 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
Eject Channel Lite
| C3 C++3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2009]7
Eject Channel Idea
| C3 C++3 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 Programming18 [2009]7
How to play backups on a Wii
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
Math 7
Zeno's Paradox for a Bouncing Ball
| Math7 [2014]3
Uniformly Distributed Tweets
| Math7 Programming18 [2014]3
Buffalo buffalo ...
| English5 Grammar4 Math7 [2014]3
Digital Roots
| Math7 Programming18 PHP4 Python4 [2013]10
FizzBuzz Test
| Math7 Programming18 PHP4 [2012]8
Dotted Notes (Music)
| Math7 [2011]8
LOL Equation
| Math7 [2011]8
Gaming 7
More Blitz Hacks (Time)
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Web13 [2012]8
Blitz Hacks
| Gaming7 Hacks9 JavaScript2 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2012]8
Luminosity Hacks
| Hacks9 Gaming7 Web13 [2012]8
Wind Waker Glitch *updated*
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-GC2 Nintendo-Wii8 [2011]8
New (and last) AssaultCube video
| C++3 Gaming7 Windows5 [2010]4
Wii Backup Problems -- Mario Kart
| Gaming7 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
How to play backups on a Wii
| Gaming7 Hacks9 Nintendo8 Nintendo-Wii8 [2009]7
English 5
Buffalo buffalo ...
| English5 Grammar4 Math7 [2014]3
Rewriting the Grammar Bot
| English5 Grammar4 Programming18 Python4 Web13 [2013]10
Split Infinitives: a non-error
| English5 Grammar4 [2013]10
Prepositions: Reasonable to End Sentences with
| English5 Grammar4 [2013]10
Racist English
| English5 [2010]4
Windows 5
Windows Experience Index Hack
| Hacks9 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2011]8
New (and last) AssaultCube video
| C++3 Gaming7 Windows5 [2010]4
Fork Bombs
| Hacks9 Linux1 Programming18 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 Windows-Basic1 [2009]7
VB Encryption Project Finished
| Programming18 VB.NET2 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2009]7
VB Encryption Project
| Programming18 VB.NET2 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2009]7
Grammar 4
Python 4
Windows-Advanced 4
Windows Experience Index Hack
| Hacks9 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2011]8
Fork Bombs
| Hacks9 Linux1 Programming18 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 Windows-Basic1 [2009]7
VB Encryption Project Finished
| Programming18 VB.NET2 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2009]7
VB Encryption Project
| Programming18 VB.NET2 Windows5 Windows-Advanced4 [2009]7
C 3
C++ 3
Security 2
ActionScript 2
Assembly 2
Flash 2
Domains 2
JavaScript 2
Nintendo-GC 2
Uncategorized 2
ActionScript-3 1
ActionScript-2 1
Windows-Basic 1